
Monday, January 31, 2011

People's Choice...Best Face January

It's People's Choice over at I Heart Faces this week...Best Face for January 2011.
I think that I get to stare at the best face in the world every day...but moms tend to be pretty biased, so thankfully you all get to decide!  I finally took my camera out to get some shots of J this past week, and to my surprise, he actually cooperated for a few.  He is such a ham, and I love him to pieces!
If you would like to vote, I am #18...
Make sure to check out all of the other fabulous entries here!

Much Love,



Monday, January 10, 2011

I Heart Faces...Smiles!

It is birthday week over at I Heart Faces, so for this week's theme, they have chosen SMILES!  This is from a session that I did over summer.  I chose this because I didn't even ask D to pose or smile.  He did this all on his own.  Plus, I love red heads!

It was nice to go back and look at all of the sweet families that I was blessed to meet at Ft. Jackson...and it was also a nice reminder that I need to get out there with my camera and start shooting again.  It has been TOO long!  I am pretty sure my little guy heard me type that and is running in the other direction...

Go check out all of the other entries here!

Monday, January 3, 2011

I Heart Faces...Best Faces 2010

This week we get to pick the winners over at I Heart Faces for the Best Face Photo of 2010.  Of course I am biased and think I get to stare at the cutest face in the world, all day, every day.  So here is a photo of my favorite little cowboy, who makes my heart melt in a million pieces everyday.  I love you J!!!  If you want to vote, I am number #524.


Make sure to go check out all of the other great entries HERE!

Much Love,
